Ipsalu Tantra isn’t just a practice.
Many think of Tantra as a way to enhance their sexuality. While that is an amazing benefit of practicing Tantra, that’s only part of the picture.
Ipsalu Tantra isn’t just a practice. It is method of spiritual advancement as derived from a sophisticated lineage of yogic masters of the ancient world. These methods enable us to cultivate the energy of our bodies (physical, energetic), mind and soul, so we can blossom into our authentic natures. By doing so, we can more joyfully and skillfully engage in our contemporary world. By recognizing our power within the quantum field of love and light, and the influences we can have within it, we can master positive change in our own lives and of the world.
Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga is a unique approach within the variety of Tantric paths, a system for safely activating your cosmic consciousness—Kundalini. “Ipsalu” means “going beyond desires.” The ego mind believes having its desires fulfilled will bring happiness but that is seldom true. The Soul lives in bliss. By identifying more and more with your divine nature, you release your desires and discover who you truly are.
Ipsalu Tantra is the Pink Tantra, and it is important to understand why. Tantra is a vast science that is practiced by a number of lineages around the world.
White Tantra is practiced by those who seek a specifically spiritual experience. They focus primarily on upper energy centers (chakras), including heart, throat, third eye and crown, and conduct practices that enable them to unite with Spirit. For White Tantric practicioners, transcending the physical realm is key to their spiritual growth. On the other hand, Red Tantra practitioners focus on the lower body chakras (including root, sexual and power), and the physical, sensual arts in order to generate and master sexual, life-force energy for deep physical experiences and physically energetic growth. For them, the spiritual realms are of secondary concern.
Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga understands the value of cultivating both the physical and the spiritual energy, and provides techniques that engage all chakras. Practitioners are encouraged to fully immerse into the physical aspects of their being by harnessing and cultivating the use of their vital life-force energy (sexual energy), as well as their spiritual aspects by healing their hearts and opening the crown chakra for a deeper connection with Spirit. This results in a life in which we are fully in our bodies and on earth, while maintaining a connection with and awareness of the spiritual energy that exists in all things. Conscious of our multidimensional nature, we are less affected by outside circumstance and more present and accepting of what is, and loving all of it.
What will I gain?
As you progress in the practice of Ipsalu Tantra, you will grow in many ways: physically, emotionally and spiritually. The practice will help you become:
More sensitive and intuitive
More creative and authentic
More loving and compassionate
More joyful and connected
You will reclaim your hidden magnificence, your Inner Truth. You will discover Divinity in your Humanness. You will expand your capabilities and possibilities, discovering parts of yourself that had been paralyzed by limiting unconscious beliefs. You will become free from bondage to your past and your programming. And you will learn to be comfortable with yourself and others. Your intimate relationships will enter a dimension you could not have imagined.
And these benefits last for a lifetime.
There is much more. See the Course Descriptions to learn what benefits each Course provides.
The Paradigm
The Ipsalu Paradigm is a way of looking at life, a way of being in the world, an invitation to explore. It is based on experience rather than beliefs or borrowed knowledge. It doesn’t claim to be absolute truth, since understanding keeps expanding. This is a way of looking at life and your place in the world, that empowers you, expands your awareness, dissolves limitations, reminds you of your Divine birth-right.If you choose to live from this perspective, you will transform your life.
We offer a path to heal the encultured attitude that sexual energy compromises spiritual advancement. · Learn instead to use that powerful energy to accelerate your progress. If you resonate with these twelve perspectives, you will feel at home in Ipsalu.
The Practice
The Practice taught to Ipsalu students includes some of the most powerful techniques in the world, drawn from several tantric traditions: yogic, Taoist, Tibetan, Osho. With consistent practice, they can expand your awareness into profoundly blissful states. This leaves you relaxed and joyful, ever closer to your Authentic Self.
Ipsalu Tantra offers a safe, comprehensive, and step-by-step path to learn this ancient practice. You don’t need a partner to embark on this journey. In fact, most of the work that you will do will be individual work. Ipsalu is a daily practice for many of us. If you’re wondering “How will I make time?” you are not alone. Many of us started doing the practice a couple times a week, and as we saw the benefits, we made time for it each day.
The Process
The Process of evolving in consciousness moves step-by-step, opening energy channels and chakras in a sequence that is safe, efficient and highly effective. A series of carefully designed courses guide you on your journey of discovery. with emotional clearing that goes deep into old trauma and clears away residue and blocks, leaving healing energies free to flow.
Ipsalu Tantra offers a series of courses, 3 to 7 days long, often in beautiful locations. There is personalized support for participants at every level. The Courses are based on techniques from the Kriya Yoga, Tibetan and Taoist traditions. This is a step-by-step process that is safe, powerful and effective, leading to deep fulfillment and self-discovery.
The Ipsalu Formula
There is a method, unique to Ipsalu Tantra, for attuning to Bliss. It is a formula that works in all circumstances, if you are willing to relax into it. It quickly brings groups of strangers into a loving blissful connection, as well as couples, especially when they combine the practice with their lovemaking. It brings an individual into Bliss at any time, in any place.
Initially it may take an hour or more of techniques to feel blissful. With a few months of regular practice you can reach Bliss in a few moments. “The Ipsalu Formula: A Method for TantraBliss” clarifies why and how the formula works. These are simple but powerful techniques, taken from several spiritual traditions. They quickly open the body/mind to its highest potential.
Here is the essence of the formula to make the core of your daily practice. This is the sequence that creates the magic: It can be summed up as the acronym ASATE, which stands for:
First: Activate energies in the body.
Second: Still the mind.
Third: Arouse sexual energy.
Fourth: Transmute passion.
Fifth: Enjoy the TantraBliss.
There are many methods of arousing sexual energy without sexual activity, including breathing practices, bandhas (body locks) or movement. Ipsalu Tantra will teach you how to use this force for spiritual advancement.

The Mystical Forces that Guide the Ipsalu Mission
Babaji Nagaraj
The capstone of the science of Kriya Yoga is the Cosmic Cobra Breath, a precious gift to humankind from Mahavatar Babaji Nagaraj. This ancient breath technique was long held secret because of its great power. It prepares the mind and body for the safe, controlled movement of kundalini.
Babaji is the source of the Ipsalu work. Born in 203 AD, he was initiated at an early age into the mysteries of Kundalini Yoga. He retired to a Himalayan cave, absorbed in intense yoga practice, finally to emerge “laughing at the limitations of death.” He has retained his form through the centuries, guiding the spiritual development of those who seek his help. He is not at all interested in gathering a following, and lives in seclusion in the Himalayas, in an ashram known only to a few advanced students. Babaji has made a commitment to remain on the planet assisting people to reach enlightenment until every Soul has completed that journey. Babaji added his enhancements to the Kundalini Yoga, renaming it Kriya. The Kriya tradition had been lost to the world during the Dark Ages. It was restored in the mid-1800s by Babaji.
If you practice the Cobra Breath, you attune yourself to Babaji, as he is the physical manifestation of that energy. It is a pure expression of unconditional love. You might find, in deep meditation, that you will get a glimpse of him or feel his presence. Some people want a guru-figure to assist in their spiritual evolution. Some enjoy having a highly evolved friend and role model. Babaji is very available and his presence brings some of life’s sweetest moments.
“Babaji” means “honored father.” “Nagaraj” means “King of the serpent,” referring to Kundalini which is often represented in serpent form.
Devotional chanting of the mantra “OM KRIYA BABAJI NAMAH AUM,” when used in conjunction with the powerful yantra which represents his energy, will call in the assistance of the Himalayan master directly.
Osho ~ Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Osho was an enlightened mystic, a Tantra master from India, whose profound knowledge and wisdom has impacted millions of people around the world. His discourses have been transcribed into over 650 books (64 million words) in print!
He teaches about freedom, love, enlightenment, and how to heal our lives from the inside out. His emphasis on emotional healing sets him apart from other yogis. He said that Tantra begins where yoga leaves off.
Therapies from every western modality were offered at his ashram. His approach was psychological, not philosophical, existential not theoretical. The meditation techniques that he devised are psychotherapeutic because that is where most of us must begin.
Osho left his body in 1990, and yet the numbers of people who study his teachings continue to grow. His wisdom takes you beyond time, beyond the mind, for a glimpse of enlightenment.
Osho was one of the world’s best known and respected spiritual masters. He was also one of the most revolutionary and controversial. The words he used and the techniques he devised were specifically tailored to meet the needs of thousands of spiritual seekers from all over the world.
Countless statements from his vast outpouring could be invaluable quotations. The following is his response to a question about Shaktipat, energy infusion from a master as a short-cut. Here he is urging people to do their spiritual practice (sadhana), including emotional clearing, if they hope to attain enlightenment.
“A man never gets less than he deserves. It is the justice of universal law. You get as much as you are prepared for. If you don’t get it, you are lacking in preparation. We always get according to our own worthiness.
The ordinary man forever wants to get something for free, but nothing is ever obtained free. Many a time we come to know afterwards how expensive the free gift turned out to be. Never try to obtain anything for free. The greatest price we pay is through our sadhana. We always should be ready to pay the price. The more we show our readiness to pay the price, the more worthy we become.” Quote from “The Mystic Experience”
An Emerging Paradigm
Discover your true nature, realize your magnificence, look within for guidance and wisdom.
Identify more and more with the Soul, less and less with your history and personality.
Learn to stay present as a Soul in the body with whatever emerges from the shadows.
Honor the Divine in each other, in all around you.
Sense that all is in divine order, even when it appears otherwise.
Realize that all beings are connected, that separation is an illusion.
Looking within, find a fountain of unbounded love and acceptance for the way you are.
Thus there is no need to seek approval from others.
See how you create your own experiences, as others cooperate to play out your expectations.
You have chosen to learn lessons. They show up as “problems” and persist until the lesson is learned.
Understand that there are no victims, no accidents. External events mirror your internal states.
Take responsibility for creating your life drama. Then you are able to recreate it more consciously.
Nothing outside has to change. When you shift inside, everything else automatically changes.
Resolve your own issues, not waiting for someone else to handle them.
Maintain non-judgmental Witness Consciousness, equally accepting of your light and your shadow.
Examine every subconscious process, and gradually free yourself from bondage to the past.
Disengage from self-defeating patterns and limiting beliefs (karma) by being a benevolent Witness.
Bring unexperienced feelings and outdated beliefs to completion. (Open chakras and energy channels.)
Realize that ego’s desires can never be satisfied. (Ipsalu means “transcending desire.”)
They are attempts to compensate for deep feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness.
Rather than trying to suppress ego’s desires, provide yourself the love that has been missing.
Your Soul has desires, your life’s purpose, which are totally supported by Existence.
Creative power comes through surrender of the ego to the Soul. When your ego falls in love with your Soul, and becomes its devoted servant, you are then living in the cosmic flow. Your life becomes a magical series of synchronicities. Existence provides for your needs with ease and grace. Your Heart’s desires are realized.
Come to understand the mysteries of the universe by studying the secrets and delights of the body.
Celebrate life on the earthly plane, and compassionately embrace all aspects of humanness.
Invite the God of your Heart to dwell in your body-temple, to play in physical reality, to have fun.
Enjoy the tantric arts: song, rhythm and movement, massage, aroma.
Learn to create Heaven on Earth.
Honor, empower, liberate, celebrate both the female energy (Shakti – the creative dynamic LifeForce) and the male energy (Shiva – clarity/stillness.) Bring them into balance and harmony. Increased Shakti (orgasmic) energy in the body brings about physical cleansing, emotional activation/release and heightened intuitive awareness.
Increased Shiva energy brings higher consciousness and sweet Bliss. By balancing these energies, you prepare your body for Kundalini awakening.
The Ipsalu technology (based on Kriya Yoga/Cobra Breath) can safely awaken in your body a new level of consciousness, an extraordinary intelligence now lying dormant (Kundalini). This higher vibration requires considerable preparation of mind and body through spiritual practice. As Kundalini awakens, you will express increasingly these four qualities:
Living in a state of Bliss;
Opening to latent genius;
Absolute integrity; and
Access to inner knowledge, a constant stream of wisdom, always new, always appropriate.
These qualities will be the norm in the emerging new human.
Once you learn to draw in greater amounts and higher vibrations of life-sustaining subtle energy, once your body’s energies flow freely through their channels, unobstructed by emotional residue, your body can heal itself, and can maintain health and vitality for a much longer, healthier life. Once you adjust your lifestyle to support the body’s needs, the higher energies transform your body, reorganizing the DNA, creating a new advanced species.
For life to be satisfying, you must know that your efforts make a difference in the lives of others, that your Being inspires trust from others, and facilitates their journey toward self-discovery. The greatest service is to love unconditionally, never losing sight of the divinity in all. Bathed in the safety of that love, everything that is not love can come up to be healed. Anyone can remember who they really are if someone loves them enough to remind them.
Tantric partnership brings deeper intimacy and much more satisfying sexual experience.
Reconnect love and sex, and be really present with your partner. Initially you choose partners that recreate the primal family dynamic, picking the ones who push all your buttons to allow a healing of unresolved inner child issues. Once that is accomplished, sharing polarized energies accelerates the evolution of both partners.
Give yourself and your partner space to dance in all your aspects, in all combinations: the parent, the child, the wise one, the beloved, the nurturer, the sensualist, etc.
Recognize the value of community with people who share a common vision, based on love. Choices in alternate styles of relating (mono versus poly, hetero versus homo, etc.) are matters of personal preference and are not a part of this paradigm.
Heal the encultured attitude that sexual energy compromises spiritual advancement.
Learn instead to use that powerful energy to accelerate your progress.
Become more sensitive to the subtle energies of other dimensions.
Discover greater creativity and psychic perceptions, for healing yourself and others.
Your sexual experience becomes a sharing of those energies and dimensions as two lovers merge into the Divine light.
The frequent experience of Bliss is essential for the health of every human being. That requires simultaneous activation/integration of mind, body and Soul.
By stilling the mind you bring yourself into the present moment, the only “time” when you can understand Truth, can feel love, can experience God.
By activating the sexual energies you enliven that stillness into dynamic Bliss.
By transmuting that arousal, you elevate its orientation from survival to service, from pleasure to creativity, from control to surrender.
Feeling gratitude in all things perpetuates the experience of Bliss.
Secrets of Tantra Bliss
The Eternal Now, being fully present in the moment, is the ultimate treasure of the Tantric journey.
Through the practice of Ipsalu Tantra you prepare your body and mind as a dwelling place for God, as a place where your Higher Consciousness is always present and available. Being present requires an unwaivering commitment to staying in your body. Most of us live in our thoughts, ignoring the body’s attempts to communicate its needs, disassociated from the currents of emotion that are seeking expression. Other spiritual paths encourage people to leave their bodies in meditation. The greatest challenge for a tantrika is to stay present. The dimensional doorway to transcend the lower mind is found in the present moment. The mind is absorbed in rehashing the past and fantasizing about the future. It cannot function in present time. Soul exists only in the moment. Coming into the Eternal Now opens up a space beyond pain or pleasure, a space beyond illusion and judgment, the body-temple where God can dwell, can create, can celebrate life.
All yoga practices benefit your health but Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga provides benefits and rejuvenation that go beyond your highest hopes. The body can heal itself from most injuries and illness (assuming you provide pure air, water, food and rest) but that healing property can’t function when the body is stressed. Most people live in a constant state of stress, and so the body can’t maintain itself. Stress is a major cause of most diseases. The practice of Ipsalu Tantra teaches you to access your healing potential, how to shift out of stress into Bliss, how to transform your life.
Health Benefits: How It Works in a Cellular Level
Most diseases flourish in an acidic environment. The standard American diet (SAD) is almost totally acid producing. That relates energetically to the masculine/feminine balance in the psyche. Acid is male, alkaline is female. Ipsalu practice restores the feminine energies to a place of balance. With Cobra Breath the earth energy bathes every cell in the body, actually changes the ph (acid/alkaline) from acidic to neutral or even alkaline.
In a state of deep relaxation, the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems come into balance. Parasympathetic is the brake, the relaxed state that allows for healing. Sympathetic is the gas. Most people in this culture have the gas on all the time with an occasional brake, so you are jerking through your life. When both are in balance you can work so much more efficiently and so much longer because you have this beautiful dance or harmony, yin/yang balance. It results in a decrease of stress hormones, a normalization of blood sugar, decrease of blood pressure and a relaxation of all smooth muscles.
When you think positively, your hormones come into balance. When you think with your heart, like seeing a puppy or a sleeping baby, and you go Ahhh, your DHEA levels rise, which begins to balance your hormones. But even more important, the variability of your heart beat normalizes, producing a consistent wave pattern that you can see on a heart rate monitor. That pattern begins to balance the entire body, since the heart is a huge electro-magnet that entrains the rest of the body. The frequency of an open heart entrains with the earth ~7.8 cycles/sec, and the frequency of Om. You are attuned to the earth and heavens. This long sustaining frequency will entrain the active mind to remember its Divine Source.
Hormones are vibrating molecules. The parasympathetic hormones, DHEA, serotonin, etc vibrate at slower sustaining frequencies. As the parasympathetic hormones bathe the body, the hormones attach to the surface of the cells, vibrating them in this vibration of bliss, joy, gratitude, love, etc This opens areas on the chromosomes that exposes DNA that are not available when we are in distress, as in the sympathetic (fight-flight-freeze) half of the autonomic nervous system. You can imagine how differently our cells express with DNA exposed to love, bliss and pleasure rather than to fear, anger and judgment; how they would replicate themselves and restore and rejuvenate the body. Our bodies are such magical temples!
Q & A with Bodhi
Kundalini is consciousness. Kundalini energy is the highest vibration the physical body is capable of holding. We work with powerful methods that are designed to activate this energy and it does awaken. I’m surrounded by people who are running their kundalini — it’s wonderful.
If you haven’t cleared your emotions before opening up that energy, it can be devastating physically and mentally, so I feel a real responsibility to people in uncovering their buried issues and bringing them into the light, so the subconscious disappears into the conscious. The repressed becomes integrated. That needs to be happen before Kundalini awakens.
The first step is opening the third eye, the intuitive vision. For that we use a technique called the Cosmic Cobra Breath. This is the basis for the work we do. The technique is used to move orgasmic energy up into the higher chakras in the brain, particularly the third eye, so that you become a very clear witness. Your vision of who you are expands dramatically and then you are able to go back and revisit old issues without getting swamped by them, without the emotional energy carrying you away. It’s very efficient and safe. The energies can open quickly because people have been properly prepared. There are a number of irresponsible ways to access that same energy but the results are less than ideal.
We do access Tibetan tradition for some of our methods, but they have quite a different orientation. They use different channels in the body. I’m not an expert on Tibetan tantra. What I know is only hearsay, but my sense is that they’re very committed to finding the void; to leaving the body; to conscious dying; how to get off of the wheel of life and death.
In the tantra we know we are very committed to being in the body, being present and finding the ultimate experience as a physical being. As long as you’re mortal, why not savor the joys it has to offer? We can go into the void later.
And suffering has been worshipped, whereas pleasure has been totally denigrated. I think that’s about control. If you convince people that their basic instincts are evil, then you’ve got them. We’ve been given these magnificent instruments, our bodies, and told not to play them. Once you truly tap into your sexual energy, you are in your divinity. The need for the various offerings of the church as an intermediary between you and God isn’t there anymore. So it’s a matter of the church’s survival. I think the teachings were meant to keep people subjugated to domination by the church.
We needed that structure for a while, but I’d like to think that some of us have outgrown the need for external control. We’re ready now for people to connect directly with their divine essence. It happens so quickly, it’s just amazing. It’s been unbelievable to watch over the past thirty years, the information that’s become available in that short time span. Books like mine were unavailable in 1970. We’re blessed to be here at a time when consciousness is shifting.
It was intended to be so. There are a lot of tantra books that are abstract, that give you some good ideas but don’t tell you what to do. I am absolutely about giving people the step-by-step, and if they go through this sequence, it works magically. If you take them out of sequence, they won’t work as well. It’s taken me a long time to figure these things out.
It’s time for this information to come out, and it is coming. What a toy store of a lifetime. There are many ways to play. It all becomes a wonderful game. When you get to the point where you really know who you are, the whole life drama is just a game, like a big computer game, and you play and enjoy every minute, but remembering that it’s just a game
They start to feel their own bodies’ energies, the subtle energies. The first evening, they are taken through the Ipsalu Formula, which activates those energies to tap into the subtle body. Once you’ve done that, then you can easily access the next level. Stilling the mind is the next step. The third part is, within that stillness, activating the sexual energy. If you just get turned on without the stillness, then it’s just another sex ride. It doesn’t really take you anywhere. But if you have quieted the mind, then consciousness is present, which it hasn’t been for most people. Their sex life is outside of consciousness because there’s so much guilt involved. Guilt and consciousness cannot co-exist in the same body/mind at the same time.
Our couple will have gone through the Formula find themselves in a place where their hearts are open, they’re feeling balanced in their bodies, and grounded. For some people that is a new experience because they live in their minds and have very little experience being in their body. They may come down to make love once in a while and then quickly leave as soon as that’s accomplished.
So they meet each other in this new space and it’s sweet. There’s an innocence that comes in that’s quite lovely. So while they’re told a few things they can do to make their sexual life work better, that’s not really the main focus. It’s more about finding that balanced, blissful space where consciousness expands and you get to see the truth, instead of your own illusions about what’s going on.
Then you consciously use certain muscle contractions and body movements to generate sexual energy. It is not about another person. It’s your own energy. Then that energy is transmuted up into the higher consciousness. Shakti energy, the orgasmic, feminine earth energy, comes up to meet Shiva, the masculine consciousness, and you’re in a divine space.
You can direct energy with the breath, intention, visualization, and Yogic techniques -contractions and mudras that divert energy streams. The whole science of yoga is employed here, though not in a way that most yogis are using it. It’s very simple and it’s something people learn the first weekend.
Our system has a “have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too” quality. Men find that they can go into full orgasm without ejaculation, and find themselves already in that amazing and profound orgasmic experience; in that way they get a full body orgasm rather than a very localized genital experience. Many just lose interest in ejaculation. It seems anti-climatic. But if you want to do it, once you’ve drawn the energy out, then you can release and you haven’t lost any energy.
The energy either moves up the spine or it moves down the penis – one of the two, you have a choice. If you choose to release the energy with emission, then that is your experience and it’s very limited. If you choose to draw the energy up the spine, then it impacts higher consciousness centers and you have a very expansive experience. But you can have it either way.
No, only the energy; it’s called Ojas in the tradition. This needs to be made clear. There are traditions that simply say you’re not supposed to ejaculate, and that really hinders people’s sexual activity. But once the energy is withdrawn then it doesn’t matter. You’re recycling the energy, you’re not losing it. Otherwise, as every man knows, once you’ve blown it out, your energy is depleted for a while. You’ve definitely lost something in the process and it takes a while to get it back. That’s not necessary.
For yogic meditators, yes. But there are a lot of people trying to do tantra without stilling the mind first. They go straight to the arousal. You can’t get to an ecstatic state from sexuality unless you’ve got the stillness. The mind has to get out of the way for consciousness to work.
That’s another way of saying the same thing – being fully present in the moment. You tap into your infinite wisdom, you know exactly where to go, moved by your inner guidance. The mind is a useful tool, but sometimes you‘ll want to get past it.
It is discovery of a larger self. The ego, the part of you that is made up, a series of beliefs that you constructed and decisions you made, has no reality beyond what we give it, but that’s who we think that we are. Your authentic, divine eternal self is a very sweet discovery once you find it. It’s like coming back home. Most people know at a deep level that they are not connected to their real selves and that’s why there’s so much misery in the world. We long for that connection.