Explore Our Courses
Ipsalu Tantra offers a series of courses, three to seven days long, often in beautiful locations. There is personalized support for participants at every level. The Courses are based on techniques from the Kriya Yoga, Tibetan and Taoist traditions. This is a step-by-step process that is safe, powerful and effective, leading to deep fulfillment and self-discovery.
Cobra Breath Level 1 ~ Learning to Live in Bliss
This weekend 4 day course, for singles or couples, builds toward initiation into the first level of Cosmic Cobra Breath, a wonderful technique that transmutes sexual energy to open your mystical vision. You begin to see the truth behind the illusions of the world and become the Witness to your life-drama, rather than its victim. You learn the Ipsalu Formula, a most efficient and effective way to reach the Bliss state.
The Level 1 Course focuses on being Present in the moment, finding that still point where you experience Infinite Consciousness within your body. That clarity transforms your sense of who you are, expanding beyond old limitations. Using powerful yogic techniques, you reach a greater integration of mind, soul and body.
Honor your humanness. ~ Silence the self-critical voice.
Break through your limitations. ~ Discover your magnificence.
Blend the energies of Consciousness, Heart and Sacred Sexuality.
Prolong and deepen lovemaking. – generating & containing more sexual energy.
Be truly Present with your beloved. ~ Feel ecstatic communion between souls.
Transmute sexual LifeForce energy to rejuvenate your body and stimulate creativity.
Discover your Unlimited Self as the creator of your reality and experience.
Joyfully transform your reality so you can manifest your Soul’s intention.
Celebrate your aliveness with song and dance and healing massage. You’ll find yourself playing with subtle energy, sharing energies with others, finding a sense of inner unity, feeling at one with God. The mood is fun and playful and at the same time profound. Sexual practices are discussed but there is no explicit sexual activity.
Cobra Breath Level 2 ~ Bliss of Inner Union
Level 2 focuses for 7 days on the issues that keep your sexual energy (LifeForce) from flowing freely. You learn to use the “problems” in relationships as opportunities to heal the wounded inner child, releasing blocked energies in the lower charkas. By using Witness Consciousness and the power of orgasmic energy, you quickly move through old limitations to greater joy and fulfillment.
Find true satisfaction in your work and play.
Rediscover your innocence and spontaneity.
Embrace your inner male and female aspects.
Release yourself from self-sabotaging emotional patterns.
Recognize the Divine in yourself, your partner and in every being.
Break through the erroneous beliefs that underlie your limited self-image.
You will receive the second level of Cosmic Cobra Breath in a self-initiation. It will cleanse the chakras and balance male/female energies. One breath produces the spiritual growth that normally takes an entire year, dramatically accelerating your evolution.
You must have practiced the first level Cobra Breath for at least three months before receiving this level.
It opens a secret energy channel to make your progress flow quickly. This course is for singles or couples.
Cobra Breath Level 3 ~ Bliss of Divine Love
This course is offered in three sections:
Level 3 Essentials
Once the lower chakras are open, you are ready to gently open the heart and throat chakras through the third level Cobra Breath practice.
This 8-day Course provides powerful tools to open your heart chakra, enabling you to give and receive unconditional love; The throat chakra opens inter-dimensional doors to alternate realities, allowing your Soul to express itself in the physical world; When male and female energies are balanced, the body is ready for natural and gentle Kundalini activation. Level 3 Cobra Breath awakens Kundalini flow, allowing you to experience a new level of consciousness and more consistent state of Bliss
You must have practiced the second level Cobra Breath for at least six months before receiving this level.
Embody intimacy and compassion.
Enter timeless states where miracles occur.
Enter a new phase of relationship, based on love rather than need.
Become more available for true intimacy, communication and compassion.
Experience your connection with All That Is, losing your sense of separateness.
Experience a serenity that is profoundly expanded and yet dynamically grounded.
Tantric Tibetan Rebirthing is perhaps the most powerful tantric experience…leading to the Ultimate Flow of energy through the whole being, fine-tuning the chakras and opening a cosmic doorway to other dimensions.
Maithuna Ritual is the High Ceremony of Union in tantric practice. Embodying Shiva and Shakti consciousness, fully opening the energy in your body and enfolding a partner’s energy, you become energetically one and dissolve limitations as you open to the wonders of the universe.
Cobra Breath Level 4 ~ Bliss of Cosmic Union
The Cobra Breath Level 4 is a 5-day course that opens you from the microcosm to the macrocosm, connecting the depths of earth and eternities of heaven.
This course is more meditative, more about personal transcendence, less about emotional clearing or partner work than previous courses. It is primarily experiential.
New techniques will be introduced, powerful ways to access the transcendental state.
Level 4 provides full activation of the unconscious & super-conscious. It opens us to unlimited love and consciousness, allowing the expanded Self to be in harmony and flow.
Humility is essential in this expanded state. As we realize our divinity, we can also see the divine in everyone, and in all around us. Therefore, an application process is required to assess your readiness.
There are three more levels, but they must be experienced and cannot be described.

Cobra Breath Advanced Courses
Cobra Breath practice is the way of transformation and spiritual evolution. These Courses provide a loving space for you to dive deeply, with Witness, into self-discovery. This is the next step on your Cosmic Cobra path: We start where we left off from each Cobra Course, Levels 1, 2 and 3 with an opportunity to rekindle and deepen your experience. Cobra Breath is a warrior’s path. As we awaken Kundalini, repressed energies move and begin a clearing process of toxic emotional debris and attachment to our ego identity. The retreat will allow much more time to stay with your emotions, energy blocks and processes. We will support your clearing processes as you come to see how you have been stuck, giving you an understanding of your unique unfolding through the Ipsalu practice. You can open at your own pace. The emphasis is on your healing and transformation, Much of the break times will be in silence to support your inward journey.
De-Armoring Intensive ~ Bliss of Surrender
A deep exploration and opening of the body, mind and soul with Nayano
* Calm the effects of trauma in the nervous system and brain.
* Explore your inner resistance and blocks to self-care and relaxation.
* Find ways of bringing a greater sense of self-love into your life and being.
In this workshop, we explore the emotional blocks and core beliefs developed in early childhood. During those primal years, we learned to repress our naturalness in order to feel accepted, safe and loved. These repressed emotional energies and protective defenses live on in our physical, emotional and mental bodies; affecting our musculature, nervous system and brain.
Practice simple exercises to calm the effects of trauma in the nervous system and brain. Understand the roots of our emotional reactions, learn to respond with awareness and live with far greater confidence and equilibrium.
Gently relax and unwind the body through guided, partnered massage techniques. Experience a variety of meditations for deeper self-discovery and self-acceptance. Leave the retreat with an increased flow of life-force energy and a deeper connection to the beauty of your authentic Self in all it’s qualities of innocence, joy, love and bliss.
Teacher Training ~ Bliss in Service
Expand your Ipsalu practice into all aspects of your living. Explore this series of modules designed to prepare you to share Ipsalu Tantra™ with confidence and integrity.
Module 1 (Certified Apprentice Teacher) prepares you to: Facilitate techniques in Level 1 courses, create and present Ipsalu evening classes, lead community Satsang, review Cobra Breath with an initiate, mentor Ipsalu Practicum lessons 1-3, and lead Ipsalu Energy Yoga
Module 2 (Certified Assistant Teacher) prepares you to: Facilitate processes in Level 1 courses, present Ipsalu day-long or weekend courses, conduct emotional-release processes, and teach Cobra Breath within the Practicum
Module 3 (Ipsalu Teacher): Certifies you to prepare and certify new Level 1 Teachers.
Prerequisite: Completion of Ipsalu Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Cobra Breath Courses are required prior to Module 1 Teacher Training.
Module 1 Teacher Training is required prior to Module 2 Teacher Training.
Teacher Training is a week-long intensive.

Ipsalu Tantra Festival ~ A Celebration of Bliss
Our festival is an opportunity for Ipsalu graduates come together with kindred spirits to celebrate and co-create a magical weekend. Open to Ipsalu Cobra Breath graduates of all levels: Love, Meditate and Celebrate! For those wanting to reconnect with the special energy of our Ipsalu community gatherings, for daily practice, Cobra Breath reviews, sharing circles, puja, and of course, lots of fun.
Power of Voice
Offered by Ian & Margo Ipsalu Tantra Teachers
Your voice quality is unique, an energy that distinguishes you. It’s the result of how you use resonance chambers in your body to create overtones. This reflects the sound of your parents’ voices, the power, tensions and disconnects present in other bodies that you have adopted.
In this retreat you learn to open your voice past these limitations to find the sound of your soul. You can use vibration to create a standing wave in your body; a sound column that connects and supports all the energy centers and opens the flow of highest vibration – Kundalini.
Find the freedom to speak your truth. Sharing your song with others in a common vibration melts the boundaries that hold you separate from others. In this intimate union of sound you can embody celebration, the feeling of divine presence and profound gratitude. As vibrations merge, hearts join in deep communion. Consciousness shifts into remembering your magnificence in union with everyone, everything.
Bodhi on Power of Voice: The first thirty years of my life I was totally involved with music — studying, performing and teaching. The next thirty years I spent with psychology and yogic practice. But it began to dawn on me that what I was doing to accomplish the yogic goals were the same things that my singing teachers told me to do to get a good tone. It’s another pathway to access the same state of consciousness. People who don’t want to jump in at the sexual level but love to sing find that it takes them to a similar orgasmic place. Singing with a group, you lose your boundaries, where your voice disappears into the sound of the choir. It’s orgasmic – the same losing of separateness and isolation. It’s a very sweet moment, a totally yogic experience. I use many of the same tools in the Power of Voice weekend as I do in the Cobra Breath Courses.
Ipsalu Energy Yoga
Energize and Balance your Entire Being
Ipsalu Energy Yoga is a new one-hour class experience based on traditional Kriya Yoga and supplemented with movement, meditations and other techniques. The unique Ipsalu formula activates and balances your chakras and infuses all of the cells in the body with healing energy. The result is a blissful state of well-being.
Ipsalu Energy Yoga is a holistic practice that supports the emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and energetic bodies and helps you to experience.
Improved health and overall energy.
Increased confidence, inner-peace, feelings of joy.
Full-presence in the moment.
Overall renewed attitude about the self and life.
Because of the gentle nature of Ipsalu Energy Yoga, most everyone at any level of practice or physical ability can benefit. The Teachers are fully certified by Ipsalu Tantra International Teacher Trainings are offered periodically.
This class is becoming available in more and more yoga studios and Fitness Centers. It can also be the basis for an evening gathering. One Teacher wrote of her recent experience: