TantraBliss Practicum ~ Ipsalu’s Home Study Course
This home study course guides you into a powerful daily practice of Ipsalu Tantra, using two primary Ipsalu Tantra texts. The Practicum is created for private study, or for use in a study practice group. The Practicum is also a great tool for study with an Ipsalu Mentor.
The TantraBliss Home Study Practicum is provided to help you incorporate into your daily life the principles and practices offered in Jewel in the Lotus and The Ipsalu Formula. Both texts are highly condensed and can appear overwhelming. In 12 monthly lessons the Practicum presents a step-by-step process that guides you to a lifetime of Tantra Bliss.
This course is less informational, more experiential. It offers an opportunity for personal mentoring and support.
Each lesson includes:
A reading assignment of manageable length
A writing assignment inviting you to clarify your thoughts and feelings about the ideas presented and arrange to share them with a friend.
A daily practice, exploring powerful tantric techniques appropriate to that lesson
Technical insights, deeper understanding of how the energy works
Energy experiments with application to daily life
Suggestions to enhance your sexual experience, energy and awareness
Lifestyle suggestions to support your process (diet, etc.)
You will learn how to use The Ipsalu Formula in all aspects of your life:
in your meditation,
before a stressful meeting or personal encounter,
in group or community situations such as waiting in line or going to church or
as an integral part of your lovemaking.
You are encouraged to:
Observe what happens in all dimensions of your life
Journal your observations.
You may choose to explore this Practicum alone. There is a powerful advantage to doing it in the company of others. Perhaps your partner, a friend or friends. If you would like assistance in locating like-minded seeker(s) who are also using the Practicum, ITI can help you find someone.
We invite you, through ITI, to enlist the services of an Ipsalu Mentor, someone knowledgeable, trained and experienced in the method. Your mentor can work with you individually or with your friend or group. Many possibilities are available. You will find what is appropriate for you, what will best support you in this exciting challenge of learning to live each moment in TantraBliss.
Students who purchase the Practicum Lessons and wish to receive Cobra Breath 1 must purchase a minimum of (6) 1-hour mentoring sessions from a Certified Ipsalu Teacher / Mentor. The Mentor fee is $80.00 per hour. The sessions will be over Zoom or in person, depending on the location of the Mentor. All money and services are to be exchanged between the Mentor and student. Each session will correspond to a lesson from the Practicum (Lessons 1-6) and any questions you may have. In the fourth session, at the start of lesson-4, you will learn Cobra Breath 1. The remaining two sessions will be a review of the Cobra Breath 1 technique, and support for the energetic and emotional effects the student will experience from the practice.
Before beginning the Practicum as a means of learning the Level 1 Cosmic Cobra Breath, the student must sign an agreement to not share the Cobra Breath with anyone. The Cobra Breath Agreement will be sent to the student for signature before being sent the Practicum Lesson package.

Practicum Contents
Lesson 1, Being in the Energy Flow: Enhances your sensitivity to subtle energies.
Lesson 2, Being the Non-judgmental Witness: Offers the key to spiritual growth.
Lesson 3, Self-Responsibility: Moves you from victim to creator of your destiny.
Lesson 4, Cobra Breath: Gives guidelines for this powerful practice. The technique itself is taught orally.
Lesson 5, Intention: Shows how to manifest your heart’s desires.
Lesson 6, Vibration: Explores the power of resonance and harmony.
Lesson 7, Emotional Flow: Begins the process of clearing old repressed feelings.
Lesson 8, Mysteries of the Heart: Begins to open you to new connections.
Lesson 9, Polarity: Brings your inner male and female energies into harmony.
Lesson 10, Nurturing the Body: Focuses on strengthening your physical temple.
Lesson 11, Relationship: Expands and deepens your connections with people.
Lesson 12, Being Orgasmic: Leads you to an ongoing state of orgasmic bliss.
Purchasing the Practicum
The TantraBliss Practicum can be purchased by using the link below or by going to our Products Page. It is recommended that you work with each lesson for a month and then move on to the next. The Practicum is designed around the required texts, Jewel in the Lotus and The Ipsalu Formula. It is essential that you have these books to accompany your Practicum experience. It’s helpful to have them coil-bound.
Practicum prices:
Full Course : $180
Lessons 1 – 6 : $108
Lessons 7 – 12 : $108
Required Texts : $40
**The Practicum is non-refundable**
Group Practicum Option
The Practicum is an alternative way to receive the Level 1 Cobra Breath (upon readiness and assessment from Practicum teacher) You do much of the work at your leisure and share your own experiences with the practicum group. You will receive the benefit of doing this work in the company of others!
All sessions are scheduled directly through your Ipsalu Teacher Mentor.
The Group Practicum includes Mentoring support and live group practicum classes. You will need to purchase a copy of the classic Jewel In The Lotus and the Tantra Bliss book to support your practice. PURCHASE HERE
For Group Practicum sessions, the price is determined based on group size with the teacher. (Individual sessions are also available)
With the Ipsalu Tantra Practicum and formula you can: ~ Learn to live in bliss in each and every day~ Transmute sexual energy to rejuvenate the body~ Stimulate your endocrine system for improved immunity~ Consciously reconnect your heart and sex~ Truly be present in your body~ Honor the divine in yourself and in all beings~ Prepare to safely awaken Kundalini energy using Babaji’s Cobra Breath.
Each Practicum class includes:
• Suggestions to enhance your sexual experience, energy and awareness;
• Technical insights, deeper understanding of how the energy works;
• Energy experiments with application to daily life;
• Lifestyle suggestions to support your process (diet, etc.);
• A reading assignment of manageable; length;
• A writing assignment inviting you to clarify your thoughts and feelings about the ideas presented;
• Designing your daily practice; exploring powerful tantric techniques appropriate to that lesson.
You will learn how to use The Ipsalu Formula in all aspects of your life: • in your meditation; • before a stressful meeting or personal encounter; • in group or community situations such as waiting in line or going to church; and • as an integral part of your lovemaking.
Practicum Outline
• CLASS 1, Being in the Energy Flow enhances your sensitivity to subtle energies.
• CLASS 2, Being the non-judgmental witness offers the key to spiritual growth.
• CLASS 3, Self-Responsibility moves you from victim to creator of your destiny.
• CLASS 4, Cobra Breath gives guidelines for this powerful practice. You will receive Babaji’s Cobra Breath which is an oral tradition. You must attend ALL sessions in order to receive the Cobra Breath.
Hear what others have to say about their Practicum experience:
“I feel as if I have been given a map to the most wonderful place in the universe!” K.P. Cincinnati, OH
“Ipsalu Tantra has helped me to remove some of the blocks that were preventing me from true intimacy.” Y.Y. Cincinnati, OH
Mentoring is available with Ipsalu Licensed Teachers to support your exploration and practice of Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga. Mentors hold sessions with individuals, couples or small groups.
Mentor Sessions may include:
Review and expansion of recognized Ipsalu Tantra techniques
Sharing of experiences during your Ipsalu Tantra practice
Guidance regarding how to maintain a daily practice
Emotional/energy flow work
Guidance for the TantraBliss Practicum exploration and study
Initiation into first level Cobra Breath (after adequate preparation)
Mentors can answer questions about Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga, however the mentor is not a licensed health professional in sexual problems (through ITI). Mentoring does not include any form of sexual contact. Mentoring is not a replacement for professional counseling, therapy (emotional or sexual) or qualified medical care.
You can use the Tantra Bliss Home Study Practicum Course, which requires six mentor sessions, to learn Cobra Breath 1, when you are unable to attend a Level 1 Course in person, as a preparation for an in-person Level 1 or as follow-up support after a Level 1 Course to help integrate the practice into your life.