Katerina Foltova ~ Berlin, Germany

Certified to Teach Level 1 Cobra Breath Workshop 

Email: kachenka831@gmail.com

IG: Kachenka_serpentrising

Transformational facilitator, Tantra teacher, Relationship coach and trauma therapist. As a modern-day medicine woman she works with life force, trauma release and personal empowerment. She supports seekers to develop their emotional intelligence skills to become emotionally mature and build connections between intellect and intuition, to experience wholeness and rise on their path to higher consciousness.

She is passionate about creating deeply transformational spaces, merging ancient tantric knowledge with modern therapy and the wisdom of plant medicines.

Katerina started as a student of Ipsalu Tantra in 2014. She has since completed the Ipsalu advanced Teacher Training modules 1-3 and is initiated into Cobra Breath Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. She is a certified Level 1 Cobra Breath teacher and is an active mentor of the Ipsalu (home-study) Practicum lessons.

During her journey, she has studied many modalities. In 2007, she was initiated into the healing path as a Diksha giver at the University of Oneness in India. Katerina then went on to train as a Hatha yoga teacher, Shiatsu and Thai massage therapist, BBTR – Biodynamic Breath and Trauma Release therapist and Reiki healer. Katerina was initiated into the Red Path moon dance, Vision Quest and numerous plant medicine paths, with shamans in Mexico and Peru. She was certified in shamanic permaculture design at the Paititi Institute in the Peruvian Amazon.

Katerina is based in Berlin (summer through autumn season) and travels the rest of the year with her workshops to many countries, including Mexico, Peru and India. She offers weekly classes and weekend retreats, bringing awareness on how to effectively use vital energy and heal traumas. View her Facebook page for all of her upcoming Ipsalu events and various offerings.

Katerina is certified Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga teacher, BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release Practitioner, Art of Love facilitator, Shiatsu Thai massage therapist, Reiki & Deeksha giver, and she’s been initiated into plant medicine paths with Huichol and Shipibo tribes.