Nayano ~ Teaches Internationally, Based in Panama
Senior Teacher & Guardian of the Ipsalu Lineage
It never occurred to me that I would become the protector and guardian of Ipsalu. However, right from the first workshop I attended, I was struck by that immense inner-calling and could not turn away. It was many years later that I began to connect the mysteries and come to understand that holding the lineage of Ipsalu is a significant part of my soul’s purpose in this lifetime. And so, the story goes:
I grew up in the 1960’s in central Florida with my mother, father and sister. We had many pets including a monkey called Tarzan...
We all have a story that starts out something like this, and we learn to identify with that story at the expense of knowing who we truly are, where we came from and why we are here. I was no exception.
By the age of thirty, I could no longer tolerate the discomfort of being half alive. I was tired of my masks and unhealthy relationships. Living on the surface was empty and painful. My soul longed to be set free. And so, the journey began.
I went to half a dozen therapy sessions, read countless spiritual self-help books, quit my job, sold everything and sailed the Caribbean for 5 months. When I returned to the states, well, there I was.
In 1996 I received Reiki attunements and enrolled in Massage school. I had a thriving private massage practice, became a Reiki Master and began teaching Reiki to others. My work evolved organically, and soon I was guiding clients through emotional processes in addition to the bodywork and energy sessions. This led me to train extensively in Primal work, Bioenergetics, Somatic therapy, Hatha Yoga and many Shamanic traditions. None of this was planned, it all came about by listening to my inner guidance. It wasn't at all practical!
Still, my own emotional healing process was slow. No matter how blissed out and connected I would feel during sessions or workshops, later I would always crash back into my private hell.
Then, in early 2000 I met my friend Dale. He told me about his Tantra teacher from California, Bodhi Avinasha, the founder of Ipsalu. Bodhi was coming to south Florida to facilitate her Level One Cobra Breath intensive called "Learning to Live in Bliss."
I went.
I was terribly uncomfortable and self-conscious through much of the program.
I was hooked!
I began the practice.
Now my process was speeding up! So much so, that I thought I would surely explode during my second year, But I made it through the darkness, walked the fires and came out the other side with a strong witness consciousness. The greatest shifts have happened since my Kundalini awakening which occurred in 2004 during a process in the Ipsalu Level III intensive.
Following an inner call, I enrolled in the Ipsalu Teacher Training, which is a long and intensive path. This was okay with me because I had no ambition as a teacher. I simply loved sharing this practice with others and experiencing the bliss of authentic heart-connection with every group.
After several years, I was certified as a Level 1 Cobra Breath lead-teacher, and eventually certified to teach all the levels and our teacher trainings. I facilitate these courses in several countries including USA, Canada, Croatia, Costa Rica, England, Mexico, Greece, Colombia, Germany, Guatemala and France. New destinations continue to open throughout the world. And during the Covid-19 lockdowns, we connected and grew our global community by practicing daily together on zoom.
As an Osho sannyasin, I’ve made several trips to the campus in Pune, India. It was during my first visit there that I was given the name Antar Nayano which means “Inner-Eye”. I feel intensely that my purpose as a teacher is to support others in becoming more alive, awakened and to be living their truth and purpose. It is an honor to be part of this lineage. I believe in this practice and feel deep gratitude for having found this path and to be sharing it with humanity. I am truly blessed.